Play Pilgrimages Abroad
Life Skills through Play Pilgrimage
Mexico & Guatemala 3.09-4.20.2022
Taught life skills and lessons on happiness, through play to youth in Mexico City and Uspantan, Guatemala.
Worked with over 6 different orphanages and 6 different schools and over 500 kids overall.
Ghana 3.25-4.25.2021
The first week I volunteered with ThinkKindness, a nonprofit that inspires measurable acts of kindness in schools and communities around the world. We finished a fenced-in garden project and a water delivery project in an orphanage in a rural community in Eastern Ghana.
The 3 weeks following I taught healthy habits and life skills through games to two orphanages and four schools. We also supplied them with sports equipment.
Costa Rica Jan-March 2020
Working in the Osa Peninsula, we trained 30 teachers on how to use play in the classroom to make learning more effective, dynamic, and fun. They’ll be able to use their new skills to foster a sense of joy in learning to over 700 kids every year.
The Kyrgyz Republic Sept 2018
We visited 7 different orphanages in Kyrgyzstan, in three different counties. We spread play to over 300 underserved kids. A BIIIIG THANK YOU to all of the donors who made it possible!